Super Emma

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are having a great weekend so far.

Let me start by saying thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support and love we have received since Emma’s diagnosis. I get mesaaged daily from people asking for updates on Emma so I figured I would try to do a weekly post while we are going through this transition to keep you all updated.

Week One Update:

Let me first start by saying this little girl is my superhero! No one should have to deal with the struggles of diabetes but especially someone so young. She is such a strong little girl it amazes me! She has already overcome so much in such a short time.

As most of you know type one diabetes requires insulin to keep blood sugars under control. Emma is on two types of insulin, a long acting called Lantus which is given in the morning and at night, most people only have to take this once a day but Emma’s requires it twice a day to keep her sugars in control. She is also on Humalog this is a short acting insulin and is given every time she eats or drinks as well as when ever her blood sugar is elevated.

Each time we give Emma insulin it is a separate injection into her thigh, butt, arm or stomach. We are trying to avoid her stomach since this is the location with the least amount of fat and causes the most pain. Emma has begun to recognize the shots, it makes it very hard to give her her insulin since she is afraid when ever she sees it and does not want to sit still. No one likes shots so I don’t blame her, it is absolutely heart breaking to see our child afraid when you are just trying to help and keep her healthy.

When we first got home from the hospital we had to test Emma’s blood sugars every three hours and correct them if they were elevated. On Thursday our insurance finally approved the Dexcom constant glucose monitor! It has been the most amazing thing, it constantly monitors her and alerts us if she is to high or to low. The best part is no more finger pokes!!

When we brought Emma into the hospital we had been noticing a few weeks of fussiness and she seemed to never want to smile anymore. Since she has been home and on her medicine her happiness and smiles have slowly been returning! Today we had a very happy toddler who went swimming and played all day, it was amazing to see her becoming herself again!

We have weekly check ins with her Diabetic Educator who is helping adjust her insulin so we get more stable blood sugars. We have made ALOT of changes this week and although we have many high sugars they are slowly improving!

I am so proud of this little superhero! She has fought hard to stay healthy and she has been a brave girl every single day!

One of my amazing readers nominated Emma for a Tiny Super Hero’s cape this is an organization that makes capes for children diagnosed with illnesses. When a child is nominated a page is created for donations, when they reach 50 dollars their cape is sent to that child. Emma’s page has not only paid for her own cape but also a cape for two other Tiny Super Hero’s! Thank you for the nomination and the donations Emma’s cape is helping her be strong and it’s amazing knowing that two other kids have their capes now too!

Love you all,

Michelle & Super Emma

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