The Ceremony

We had arrived at the church 10 minutes before the ceremony started. We said a prayer and lined up for the march down the aisle. One by one my bridesmaids began to disappear through the doors and down the aisle. Before I knew it, the doors had closed again, and it was just my dad and me.

At this point, my nerves were at an all-time high. I had the same feeling you get right before you get in the world’s most intense roller coaster. My two cousins who were in charge of the doors were listening for the music to change as I began to hyperventilate.

The doors open and I looked up to see Tyler at the end of the aisle. All of a sudden all my nerves left it was just him and me. From there everything was perfect. I kissed my dad and mom at the end of the aisle and took the hand of the man who would become my husband in just minutes.

We listened to the pastor talk about what marriage means, Tyler’s cousin and my uncle read scripture, we let the unity candle, said “I Do”, and had our first kiss as husband and wife. Before I knew it, I was walking back down the aisle with my husband.

Everything was perfect, and we were married!

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